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The Lawnside Scholarship Club invites high school seniors to submit the requested information as we plan to present scholarships and community awards to Lawnside residents who are graduating from high school. The annual event is typically held in early June.

Please submit all requested information by April 30. We will publish a booklet with your photo, extracurricular activities, career interests, words of wisdom, goals and plans. Your contact information will not be published.

In addition to answering the questions on this form, we would like a high-resolution headshot as a .jpg, .jpeg, or .png. A senior class or graduation picture is ideal.  Name your picture for yourself, such as, “JALENHURTS.jpg.” Please do not submit images marked “PROOF” or photograph a picture with a cellphone. They will not print clearly.

Follow instructions below for submitting patrons lists by April 30. Families can also place congratulatory advertisements.  Email for those details.

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